Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Timothy Helpman was Warren Fox's solicitor. Timothy made an appearance at Warren's funeral in July 2009, telling Spencer Gray and Sasha Valentine that he would like to speak with them. After the funeral, Timothy informed Spencer that he was the sole beneficiary in Warren's will, inheriting Warren's house, Evissa and The Loft. Spencer was confused that Warren's sister Katy didn't receive anything, and Timothy revealed that his will had been updated when "things didn't work out" with Louise Summers.

A couple of days later, Spencer decided to sell The Loft. Wanting an immediate sale, Spencer accepted Ash Roy's offer and so Calvin Valentine called Timothy. Timothy oversaw the signing of the contract, but afterwards, Spencer began panicking. Spencer told Calvin in private that Warren had texted him so they could go to France together and Calvin called the number in Spencer's phone. Ash's phone began ringing and Calvin realised that Ash had tricked Spencer, destroying the contract.
