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Character Profile   List of appearances    

Dr Shirley Paul Browning was the ex-husband of Helen Browning and Mercedes McQueen, and the father of Alex Browning and Hilton Cunningham.


2012: Arrival[]

Browning is first seen when he pays Mercedes McQueen for sex in January 2012 during which Browning is impressed by Mercedes and asks her if they can have regular meet ups to which she agrees to its then seen Browning is the head Doctor at the local hospital and he soon discovers that Lynsey Nolan had mistakenly resuscitated a DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) patient this leads Browning to have to report the incident to the heads and have them investigate the situation however Browning would own up on his part for not writing down the request on form but still tells Lynsey that he will have to tell on her to his bosses, Mercedes then steps in and attempts to reason with Browning however when Browning refuses at first, Mercedes ups her game by discovering that Browning has a wife and then threatens Browning that she will tell her of they're regular meet ups.

Despite Mercedes' threat, Browning continues to sleep with her and pay her good money, Browning even begins to rub it in against Lynsey whom in return accuses Browning of taking advantage of an mentally Ill woman however her accusations fall on deaf ears. Browning would later treat Mercedes' sister, Carmel Valentine after Carmel is scarred due to an accident. Browning then catches Lyndsey red handed going through the medical records of Simon Walker.

2012: The Murder of Lynsey Nolan[]

In late June 2012, Browning announces the death of Lynsey in the middle of the village to her friends, Brendan and Cheryl Brady after she's found dead and when Browning later discovers Mercedes had discharged herself from hospital he forges her documents so it seems Mercedes left after Lynsey's murder had taken place and later Browning would move into Hollyoaks village next door to Mercedes' ex, Riley Costello and soon begins to blackmail Mercedes over the documents he has forged for her as well as telling her that they could make Riley jealous therefore pretend to be in a relationship however Mercedes would lie to Riley that Browning has been hitting her a lie Browning proves.

In July 2012, Browning is revealed to be the killer of Lynsey as he did it so Lynsey couldn't tell anyone about Mercedes stalking Mitzeee Minniver it's also revealed that Walker watched in and purposely decided not to do anything to stop Browning whom is revealed to have strangled Lynsey to death. Browning later is in a fit of panic when Mercedes discovers the truth and this leads him to kidnap her but by the end of it Browning is arrested and sent to prison to await trial and at the trial Browning pleas not guilty and thanks to the help of new lawyer, Jim McGinn, Browning is cleared of her murder as Jim manages to pin it on a deceased Riley. It also leads to Mercedes getting off on her charges of stalking Mitzeee. Browning later spends Christmas with Mercedes and the rest of her family.

2013: Villainous Downfall[]

By January 2013, Browning surprises Mercedes by proposing to her after she had been kicked out by her family and Browning is left delighted when Mercedes accepts, Browning then accidentally brings Mercedes and her mother, Myra McQueen back closer together after he runs some tests on Myra whom has fallen ill but Browning mistakenly mixes up Myra's test results with another patient and it seems Myra has Cancer and is "dying" this leads Browning to tell Myra to make amends with Mercedes. Browning would discover that Myra isn't going to die and tells her right away and Jim suggests that Myra should sue the hospital for the error and this is heard by Browning whom approaches his boss, Davies on what he can do to make sure that he don't lose his job, Browning however is shocked to learn that Davies wants a night with Mercedes even further more is shocked when Mercedes agrees to it and record it for evidence however Davies finds this out and attempts to rape Mercedes but Browning saves her and beats up Davies.

In April 2013, Browning is left worried when Mercedes is kidnapped by Clare Devine however Browning tracks down Clare and attempts to kill her the same way he killed Lynsey by strangling her however he is stopped by Jim and by June 2013, Browning is left stunned when a new doctor called, Lindsey arrives to work at the hospital and this begins to make Browning thing of Lynsey whom he killed a year prior and this leads Browning to stalk Lindsey but when Mercedes discovers this she accuses Browning of having an affair on their wedding day which leads to Browning being punched by Lindsey's boyfriend, Joe Roscoe. During the same month, Browning would enter into a mini feud with Freddie Roscoe whom blackmails Browning for money and after a few weeks Browning finally pays Freddie off. Browning the later attempts to rape Lindsey and sleeps with Cindy Cunningham whom her tries to kill to silence her.

In July 2013, Browning is pulled in to help the McQueen family to con dangerous gangster,Trevor Royle whom has kidnapped Phoebe McQueen in order to get Jacqui back home after she fled after conning him. Browning later gets a casket and a recently deceased woman from the hospital a woman that has the same descriptions as Jacqui and they manage to convince Trevor that Jacqui is dead however a few months later Browning would tell Trevor that Jacqui is still alive in a bid to get Trevor to kill Myra however Browning is furious when Trevor fails to do so and therefore decides to do it himself and later shoots Myra but she survives due to wearing a bullet proof vest and when Mercedes discovers this she confronts Browning whom in a fit of rage strangles Mercedes seemingly killing her however Browning injects her with adrenaline which saves her and Browning is arrested and later confesses to two murders in Lynsey and Myra as well as the attempted murder of Cindy he is then charged and sent to prison.

By late October 2013 just over a month after his arrest Browning manages to escape prison and track down Mercedes whom is celebrating her 30th birthday he makes his entrance known to Mercedes when he purposely runs over Clare killing her instantly after she has a fight with Mercedes, Browning then drags Mercedes back to her home and tells her he loves her and forgives her for sleeping with Trevor however when Mercedes is cold towards Browning and she tells him she hates him Browning hits her and begins to attack her again however he is knocked unconscious with a shovel by Cindy whom has arrived with Lynsey and thinks she has killed him however Browning reawakens and Mercedes takes the shovel and hits Browning twice in the head, killing him. The three women then attempts to hide his body and later use his car to drive push off a cliff they bump into Freddie whom helps and Fraser Black gets Superintendent Marlow to plant the I.D. of Richie Trent in Browning's car so the Police believe he killed him and not Trevor. Browning is later and currently lived on by his son Hilton Cunningham.

Kill Count[]

Murder Victims[]

  1. Lynsey Nolan, 29th June 2012 - Strangled to death with a scarf as Simon Walker watches on.
  2. Clare Devine, 16th October 2013 - Run over by Browning's car as Mercedes McQueen watches on.

Attempted Murder Victims[]

  1. Clare Devine, 10th April 2013 - Attempted to strangle her to death but was interrupted by Jim McGinn.
  2. Freddie Roscoe, 17th June 2013 - Snuck into the garage and prepared to bludgeon who he thought was Freddie to death with a tire iron after Freddie blackmailed him but Paul stopped once he realised it was Lindsey in the garage not Freddie.
  3. Myra McQueen, 7th August 2013 - Attacked her whilst she was working late and knocked her unconscious. He was about to strangle her to death but was interrupted by Jim and Carmel McQueen and he ran off.
  4. Myra McQueen, 7th August 2013 - Attempted to suffocate her while she was unconscious in hospital but was interrupted by Marlena McQueen.
  5. Cindy Cunningham, 22nd August 2013 - Strangled her to stop her telling Mercedes about their one-night-stand, but she later regained consciousness and recovered in hospital.
  6. Myra McQueen, 3rd September 2013 - Shot her in the chest and she fell into the water at the docks. Myra was later revealed to be alive as she was wearing a bullet proof vest, given to her by Jim.
  7. Mercedes McQueen, 4th September 2013 - Strangled her in a fit of rage. Browning then gave her a shot of adrenaline and Mercedes regained consciousness.
  8. Mercedes McQueen, 16th October 2013 - Strangled her after hearing about her affair with Trevor Royle, but was hit over the head with a shovel by Cindy and knocked unconscious.
  9. Lindsey Roscoe, 16th October 2013 - Regained consciousness and attempted to attack Lindsey but was attacked and killed with a shovel by Mercedes.



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Employment History[]

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Background Information[]

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Introduction Sequence[]

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— First line.

See Also[]

