Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

An unnamed paramedic arrived on the scene when Laurie Shelby suffered a cardiac arrest, caused by head injuries sustained in a prison van collision in August 2019. The paramedics took over CPR from Sinead Shelby, but were unable to revive Laurie, whom was ultimately declared dead.

The same paramedics also arrived on the scene in January 2020 where Jesse Donovan had collapsed after suffering from alcohol poisoning caused by binge drinking. Jesse was also suffering from hypothermia as he had not been found for a while. The paramedics arrived to Mitchell Deveraux performing CPR on Jesse and took over, but were also unable to revive Jesse, whom was also declared dead. Later in the month, the pair arrived at Hollyoaks High School after Nancy Osborne was stabbed by a drug dealer. The paramedics rushed Nancy to hospital where she was released later in the day.

List of appearances[]


