Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki
Hollyoaks Wiki

Mr. Harrison was the husband of Mrs. Harrison, and the father of Susi and John Harrison. Susi was often getting in trouble at school, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison struggled with her. Susi eventually left home, moving to Hollyoaks and having minimal contact with her family. In March 1997, Susi was contacted by John, who informed her that their father had taken a turn for the worse and ended up in hospital. Whilst waiting for news, Susi and her mother had a blazing row, and Susi was furious to learn that Mrs. Harrison hadn't shared the news of Susi's achievement with Mr. Harrison, as she wanted to make them proud. Mr. Harrison died of a massive cardiac arrest, and Mrs. Harrison blamed Susi, due to all the stress from being a problem child. She suggested that Susi had wished her dead instead of her father, to which Susi agreed and left.
