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Hollyoaks Wiki
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Character Profile   List of appearances    

Amanda "Mandy" Richardson (previously Hutchinson and Morgan) is the daughter of Helen and Dennis Richardson, the sister of Lewis Richardson, the half-sister of Tom Cunningham, the ex-wife of Tony Hutchinson, Luke Morgan and Darren Osborne, and the mother of Grace Hutchinson, Ella Richardson, and Darren Osborne Jr..

Mandy aspired to be a model, to the dismay of her abusive father. Despite his violent reactions to when she did something that he didn't like, Mandy continued to fight for her dreams and dated who she wanted. A relationship with Sol Patrick pushed Dennis over the edge and she ran away from home after Dennis raped her, faking her suicide when he managed to find her. Finding the courage to report him, assisted by her family and Sol, Dennis was sentenced to prison in December 1998.

In 1999, Mandy began a relationship with Luke Morgan, which took a turn for the worse when he became distant with her in March 2000. After using Darren Osborne in an attempt to make him jealous, Mandy discovered that Luke had been raped by Mark Gibbs and immediately jumped to his support, using her experience of reporting her father to help him get through the legal proceedings. Despite wanting a reconciliation with Luke, Mandy ended up dating Ben Davies and Luke left the village for Canada in 2001.

Mandy began a relationship with Tony Hutchinson, which struggled from the get-go. The family struggled to accept Tony due to his affair with Helen in 2003, and step-brother Max Cunningham started a hate campaign against Tony. Mandy struggled with the deaths of her mother and step-father, with Lewis having died by suicide in October 2001 and Dennis by liver cancer in December 2003. After a miscarriage, Mandy began physically abusing Tony but despite getting help after he was arrested for defending himself, Tony decided to leave for Rome where Mandy followed him. The pair married and Mandy discovered that she was pregnant.

Giving birth prematurely in October 2005, Mandy struggled to bond with the baby and only managed to do so after the death of another premature baby on the hospital ward. However, Mandy and Tony's baby Grace tragically died from SIDS in May 2006. Mandy began an affair with Tony's brother, Dom Reilly, ran away from home and decided to leave the village. Tony and Mandy would later reconcile in December 2008, but Tony decided that he couldn't move to Laos and left Mandy behind.

In 2010, Mandy returned with the supposedly deceased Warren Fox, wanting revenge on Tony. After an explosion at Tony's restaurant, Mandy and Tony reconciled but she left him suddenly in 2011. Retunring in 2017, Mandy married Luke but had an affair with Darren which ended their marriage. Darren and Mandy married in 2021, which also ended when Darren learned that Mandy knew the truth about Jordan Price's murder and still allowed Charlie Dean to face the consequences of Ella's actions.

Mandy decided to move to Los Angeles in January 2022 to accept a job in running a large wellness retreat, leaving with DJ but leaving Ella with her family.


1996-1998: Arrival[]

Episode 43

Ollie meets Mandy.

Mandy arrived in Hollyoaks in October 1996, catching the eye of best friends Ollie Benson and Lee 'Stan' Stanley as she browsed through the DVDs at Got It Taped. At a celebratory barbecue, Ollie and Mandy ended up sleeping together. It was then that Ollie learned that Mandy was fifteen years old, as Mandy's protective brother Lewis Richardson threatened to press statutory rape charges against Ollie. Lewis attempted to keep the pair apart, but they resumed meeting behind his back in secret. Mandy also made friends with Cindy Cunningham, with the pair going on double dates with Ollie and Stan when Cindy and Stan got together.

A few months into their relationship, Mandy warned Ollie that her father - Riverbank College teacher Dennis Richardson - was physically abusive towards her, Lewis and her mother Helen. She also revealed to Cindy that Dennis also had a drinking problem. Cindy's mischievous ways brought Mandy into her schemes, such as collecting money for a 'donkey sanctuary' but keeping it for themselves. They also decided to go onto the contraceptive pill, but after a one-night stand with Stan, Cindy revealed to Mandy that she hadn't been taking it. Mandy convinced Cindy to take a pregnancy test when she did not have her period, with Cindy discovering that she had fallen pregnant.


Dennis aggressively confronts Mandy.

Aspiring to become a model, Mandy began modelling for the Riverbank College magazine. However, Dennis did not approve and angrily warned Mandy not to continue. After Ollie was unfaithful, Mandy broke up with him and began obsessing over her weight, deciding to take slimming pills. Ollie was killed in a car accident with Stan merely a month later. Mandy also continued to have problems with Dennis, especially after several students witnessed him slap Mandy in school when he discovered that she had continued modelling. She and Helen ended up taking refuge in 2b Oakdale Drive, moving in with Lewis temporarily. Lewis ended up finding the slimming pills, managing to talk Mandy out of continuing to take them.

1998: Rape[]

Despite his abusive behaviour, Mandy struggled to cut ties with Dennis and visited him at his bedsit in March 1998. She told Dennis that she was struggling in school, and accepted Dennis's offer of tutoring her. As Dennis helped Mandy with her revision, he convinced her that he had changed his ways and Mandy convinced Helen to let Dennis move back in with them. Mandy began a relationship with tearaway Sol Patrick, who Dennis strongly disapproved of. Dennis caught them together and had a blazing argument with Mandy. When Mandy refused to break up with Sol, Dennis raped her.

In the aftermath of Dennis's vicious attack on her, Mandy ran away from home without notifying anyone. Dennis deflected D.S. Vicky Green's attentions towards Sol, who refused to give an alibi as he had been joyriding in a stolen car on the night of Dennis's attack. The Richardsons carried out an extensive search for Mandy, with Lewis and Dennis finding her in a Soho strip club in London. However, upon seeing Dennis, Mandy made a quick getaway. The police later visited the Richardsons, informing them that Mandy had been spotted on the edge of a bridge and her coat was found in the river. An apology letter from Mandy to Helen left them convinced that she had committed suicide, and Dennis planned a memorial for her.

Episode 252

Mandy tells Lewis that Dennis raped her.

However, in October 1998, Sol received a call from Mandy, revealing where she was. Sol informed Lewis and they visited her in hospital, where Mandy told Lewis that Dennis had raped her. Lewis brought her back home, but Mandy struggled to report Dennis to the police. After doing so, Dennis was arrested but released on bail. Catching Mandy at home alone, Dennis took the opportunity to attempt to convince Mandy to drop the charges, but Lewis and Helen caught him in time and Lewis physically threw Dennis out of his flat. In court, Dennis was found guilty and sentenced to seven years imprisonment.

1998-2001: Relationship with Luke[]

On Christmas Day 1998, Lewis and Mandy caught Helen in bed with Cindy's father Gordon Cunningham. Mandy ended up forming a friendship with Mr. C, taking driving lessons with him and agreeing to model for Cunningham Driving School. The advertisement plastered on the side of Finn's Bus caught the attentions of newcomer Luke Morgan, and the pair were left besotted with each other on their first date. Mandy later discovered that Helen had fallen pregnant by Gordon, and advised her mother to have an abortion when the doctor warned her that due to her age, there was a greater chance of the baby being born with Down's Syndrome. Helen disagreed with Mandy and decided to marry Gordon, which Mandy was also opposed to. When Helen went into labour on Millenium Eve, Mandy helped deliver the baby, who Helen and Gordon named Tom.

DarrenMandy April2000

Mandy begins dating Darren.

Mandy supported Luke when a rivalry ignited between him and Mark Gibbs after Luke accidentally broke Mark's leg during a football match. As a result, Mandy also found herself receiving unwanted attention from Mark, intent on winding up Luke. However, in March 2000, Luke suddenly went cold on Mandy, leaving her confused. Mandy began receiving attention from Luke's friend Darren Osborne and - believing that Luke had gone off her - broke up with Luke and began dating Darren to make him jealous.

Luke began pestering Mandy and she refused a reconciliation. Luke ended up attempting suicide by driving into a skip bin, and finally told Mandy that Mark had raped him. Mandy, recalling her court case with Dennis, supported Luke as he went to the police. Mandy then broke up with Darren after he suggested that Luke was somewhat responsible for what happened. Mandy accompanied Luke to Mark's trial in October 2000, where the jury reached a guilty verdict and Mark was sentenced to eight years imprisonment.

Episode 497

Mandy and Cindy meet Ben Davies.

Upon meeting firefighter Ben Davies in August 2000, Mandy was left smitten. Ben also shared Mandy's feelings and considered beginning a relationship with her, unsure as close friend Luke wanted a reconciliation with Mandy. Mandy and Ben ended up beginning a relationship, leaving Luke devastated when he found out they kept it secret from him. Mandy and Luke maintained a friendship, and formed their own modelling agency with Mandy's friend Laura Burns. Unbeknownst to Mandy, Laura became obsessed with her and began carrying out peculiar acts such as suddenly kissing Ben during a fashion show. After winning a website award, Mandy decided to leave Ben for Luke. She also finally passed her driving test, but Laura hid Mandy's keys as she headed for the test centre.

2001-2002: Self-Destructiveness[]

In October 2001, Mandy learned that Lewis had attempted suicide after trying to force himself on his partner Ruth Osborne. After Lewis died from his suicide attempt, Mandy ended her relationship with Luke and ended up behaving erratically. Reminded of her own sexual abuse, Mandy turned on Lewis and made her feelings known to Helen, causing damage to their relationship as Mandy decided to move into 12 Hingham Road. Laura's meddling pushed them apart even further as she comforted Helen through her grief. As Mandy remained at war with Helen, she ended up kissing her step-brother Max Cunningham in her confused state. Luke left to work at a football camp in Canada in December 2001, warning Mandy to be wary of Laura before he left.

Episode 727

Mandy and Adam are involved in a serious car accident.

At New Years, a self-destructive Mandy had a one-night-stand with Jamie Nash, resulting in Luke's brother Adam Morgan deciding to intervene. As they argued, Mandy lost control of her car and the pair ended up having a serious accident. Adam was left paralysed as a result, whilst Mandy attempted to blame Hunter & Son Motor Repairs & Servicing for improperly servicing her car. However, the Hunters' were cleared and Mandy was charged with driving without due care and attention, resulting in her licence being revoked. Struggling with living with a baby in the house, Mandy reconciled with Helen and moved back into 12 Tatton Crescent. Afterwards, she had a brief relationship with Toby Mills, but Toby broke up with her claiming that she was "too possessive".

Laura grew jealous of Mandy and Helen and claimed that her mother was terminally ill. Helen purchased Laura a ferry ticket to Ireland to see her, but Laura didn't board the ship and returned a few days later, claiming that her mother had died. Laura next sabotaged Mandy's friendship with Adam. However, Mandy and Adam ended up growing closer and began a relationship, despite serious objections from Adam's family. Luke returned for Sue and Andy Morgan's wedding in October 2002 and Mandy and Luke ended up sleeping together. Mandy tried to convince Luke to let her join him in Canada, but he refused. Adam learned about their affair and broke up with Mandy. Mandy's troubles continued when she met film director Miles Mackie, who convinced her to help fundraise for his film before running off with her and the villagers' money.

Laura's obsession with Mandy peaked in December 2002 with the arrival of her brother Brendan Shepherd. As Brendan arrived searching for "Kerry", Laura attempted to convince Mandy to go to Cape Town with her. A suspicious Mandy refused to leave with Laura, who knocked Mandy unconscious and held her hostage in the flat. Meanwhile, Brendan revealed that Laura's name was actually Kerry Shepherd, and Laura Burns was the name of Kerry's late childhood friend. As Laura attempted to kill Mandy by poisoning her, Mandy managed to throw a paperweight through a window, catching the attentions of Max, Adam and Tony Hutchinson. Mandy was rescued and Laura was arrested.

2003: Dennis's Return[]

Mandy struggled after Laura's ordeal and moved back in with her family when Gordon leased the flat to Matt Musgrove, Chloe Bruce and Becca Hayton. In March 2003, Mandy began to suspect that Helen was having an affair and discovered that it was with Tony! At the Chester Business Awards in April, Gordon discovered the truth and whilst he was disposing of Helen's belongings, Mandy discovered that Helen had been in correspondence with Dennis. After confronting her, Helen revealed to Mandy that Dennis was soon to be released from prison. Dennis received a very frosty return from the village and begged an uninterested Mandy for forgiveness. As Helen took Dennis to Lewis's memorial, Mandy found comfort in Tony.

Dennis's continued presence continued to ruffle feathers and an argument between them found Dennis on the receiving end of Max's fists. Dennis pressed charges and whilst Helen and Max lied in their statements, Mandy took it upon herself to fix the family's troubles and paid Dennis a visit. Whilst at his B&B, Dennis informed Mandy that he was dying of liver cirrhosis. After successfully talking Dennis into dropping the charges, Mandy gave him a bottle of alcohol as a parting gift and cut him out of her life for good.

After proving to be his saviour, Max began developing feelings for Mandy, unreciprocated as she began dating Tony. Max became embittered and ignited a feud with Tony, causing Max and Mandy to fall out. In August 2003, Mandy befriended Adam's girlfriend Becca and moved in with her when Adam moved to New York. She also developed an interest in Tony's restaurant, Gnosh Village. However, things took a sudden turn in December 2003 when Mandy discovered that Dennis had died and was sent his belongings. Infuriated by Helen's intentions to scatter his ashes by Lewis, Mandy dumped them down the drain. Ironically, Mandy's fit of rage bonded the pair as they reminisced over the evil man's antics, finally repairing their long-damaged relationship.

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Employment History[]

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Background Information[]

  • Sarah Jayne Dunn was originally contracted for "a handful of episodes", but producers extended her contract in 1996.
  • Dunn decided to quit the role of Mandy in 2006, in favour of getting more acting experience outside of Hollyoaks. Then-incoming series producer Bryan Kirkwood revealed Dunn's departure prematurely in April 2006, which the show denied before announcing in May. Dunn had originally decided to leave in around 2004, but decided to stay due to the storylines Mandy was receiving.
  • Dunn asked to return to the role in 2008, with Mandy returning for step-brother Max Cunningham's wedding. However, Dunn's six-month contract was not extended and she departed again in December.
  • Producer Paul Marquess asked Dunn to return to the show again in 2010, impressing Dunn with the different storylines devised for Mandy. However, she decided to quit the role in 2011 following Marquess's departure from the programme.
  • Dunn returned to the show permanently in 2017, coinciding with the return of Gary Lucy as Luke Morgan.
  • In November 2021, Dunn met with members of the Hollyoaks production team following her decision to begin an OnlyFans account, which conflicted with Hollyoaks's rules on cast members using 18+ websites. In a controversial decision, Mandy was ultimately axed, making her final appearance in December 2021.

Introduction Sequence[]


I hope so.
— First line, to Ollie Benson.

See Also[]

