An unnamed girl was the daughter of Lizzie Chen-Williams. Lizzie confided in soon-to-be step-mother Cindy Cunningham that she had a daughter at the age of sixteen and gave her to social services. A few months earlier, Lizzie had encountered Ivy Shaw, recognising her as her ex "Ivan". With Cindy's support, Lizzie decided to track down her daughter and told her father Dave Williams about her on his wedding day. However, merely hours later, Lizzie died from a cardiac arrest, caused by tainted ecstasy tablets distributed by Warren Fox. Cindy opted to continue the search, tracking down Lizzie's health visitor Carmen.
In July 2024, Cindy discovered that Dave had paid Lizzie's social worker Amy Wall not to meet with her. Dave revealed that Lizzie's daughter had died as a baby. He had been searching for Lizzie after she fled summer camp after giving birth, spotting social worker Philip leaving Lizzie's friend's empty house. Suspecting him of being the baby's father, Dave pursued him in his car and rammed him off the road. The ensuing crash proved unsurvivable and Dave discovered that Lizzie's baby was also in the car.