Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

An unnamed judge presided over John Paul McQueen's sentencing for the attack on Robbie Roscoe in March 2014. Shortly before the sentencing, the judge received a new and more truthful victim impact statement from Robbie. However, Finn O'Connor replaced the impact statement with a fictitious version of events, claiming that John Paul was sexually abusive. The judge subsequently sentenced John Paul to six months imprisonment.

In October 2015, the judge presided over Cameron Campbell's sentencing for the hit-and-run accident that killed Sam and Danny Lomax in August 2014. The judge decided to reduce Cameron's sentence after reading Leela Lomax's impact statement, handing down a six-week custodial sentence and a two-year driving ban. However, due to time served on remand, Cameron was immediately released.
