Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki
Hollyoaks Wiki

Joe Jones was a rock star, who was present during auditions for touring singers in November 2006. At a club the next day, Steph Dean - who had failed the audition - accidentally spilled her drink on Joe. He told her that he remembered her audition, and took her for a date. Steph spotted a ring on his finger and asked about his wife, but Joe asked to change the subject as he and his wife had split. Joe told her that she was very easy to talk to because she was so 'normal' with him. Complaining about celebrity life and parties, he opted for a change of scenery and invited her back to his hotel room.

The morning after sleeping with Joe, she woke him by singing one of his songs and attempted to convince him to let her join him on his tour. Joe took Steph back home and made out with her in the car, leaving Carmel Valentine and Louise Summers gobsmacked. However, Steph discovered that Joe used her for a one-night-stand and exacted revenge by selling her story to a tabloid and appearing on The Heather Clayton Show.

List of appearances[]

