Jenifique McQueen is the niece of Myra McQueen. In September 2011, Myra brought Mercedes Fisher to Ibiza for her hen night, with the pair staying with Michaela McQueen. Upon arrival, the pair discovered that Jenifique had been living with Michaela. Taking the McQueens to Catro Pereira, Jenifique introduced her boyfriend Johnny - unaware that he was an ex-boyfriend of Mercedes. Mercedes attempted to warn Jenifique off an unfaithful Johnny but she refused to listen.
Joining the McQueens at a local club, Jenifique brought ecstasy tablets with her which Mercedes gave to Myra under the belief that they were headache tablets. After leaving, Jenifique managed to get the family into a bar by convincing the bouncers that they were a celebrity family band.
After a series of accidents, the McQueens were left on a stranded island with Johnny (as well as Michaela's boyfriend Michael Jackson). Mercedes and Johnny got close and Jenifique witnessed the pair nearly kiss. She went missing but was later found by Mercedes, but she insulted each member of the family individually before running off again. Jenifique and Mercedes later reconciled before Mercedes left, and Jenifique began flirting with Michael after Michaela broke off their engagement.