Hollyoaks: Back from the Dead was a spin-off that aired in February 2006. The mini-series primarily followed Andy Holt, who returned to the village after being presumed dead, kidnapping Nicole Owen and later Russ and Sam Owen, before meeting a grisly end.
Sam and Russ are horrified to discover the identity of Nicole's boyfriend - the supposedly deceased Andy Holt. Meanwhile, Mandy, Louise and Clare's holiday takes a turn for the worse as Tony's car is stolen.
Nicole discovers Andy's true colours, but fails to get away before he can catch her. Meanwhile, Mandy, Clare and Louise's holiday gets worse as they are all arrested for breaking into a house.
Sam and Russ find Andy and Nicole, but they are injured during a fight with Andy. Andy reveals to Russ and Nicole that Sam played a role in the rapes. Meanwhile, the girls make it to the holiday destination, only to be confronted by a furious woman who is hunting for Sean - Louise's estranged husband!
Russ saves Nicole from being raped by Andy. When Andy comes round, he is horrified to discover he has been drugged and tied up by Mel. He manages to escape, but ends up impaled on a sharp pole. Mel watches emotionless as Andy dies.