Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki
Hollyoaks Wiki

Gareth Bevan is the father of Elliot Bevan. After Elliot's birth in 1988, Gareht's wife Bonnie discovered that Gareth was having an affair and kicked him out. She cut him out of Elliot's life, telling him that Gareth was abducted by aliens. Gareth ended up having a son by his mistress in December 1988. In 2008, Elliot managed to track Gareth down but decided against meeting him. In August 2009, Elliot's girlfriend Leila Roy arranged for Gareth to meet Elliot.

Elliot and Gareth formed a close bond and Gareth told Elliot that he had a fourteen-year-old half-brother named Maynard. However, Leila researched Gareth and informed Elliot that Maynard was the same age as him. Bonnie arrived and revealed the truth to Elliot. Realising that he was unwelcome, Gareth left again, this time for good.

List of appearances[]

