Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Flora Williams was the ex-wife of Dave Williams and mother of Sam and Lizzie Chen-Williams. Sam was born to Dave and Flora, but the pair divorced and Flora successfully took out a restraining order against Dave in 2002. However, Dave claimed that Flora - not wanting a divorce - manipulated the court into believing that Dave was threatening her. Not wanting Flora's behaviour to damage his new relationship, Dave proceeded to marry Honour Chen in September 2006 regardless. Afterwards, Flora went on to have Lizzie with another man, who was a drug addict. This left Lizzie scarred as she witnessed Flora standing over her unconscious overdosed father at the age of five. Flora had serious mental health issues and died at some point prior to 2021, with Dave adopting Lizzie.

Prior to her death, Flora wrote a letter for Sam which Sam held onto. Sam remembered the letter when his girlfriend Zoe Anderson began receiving counselling in September 2022. In the same month, Lizzie told her boyfriend Sid Sumner about Sam helping her cope with Flora's death as she would only talk to him, having previously told him about her father's overdose in March. In October 2022, Sam discovered the restraining order against Dave.

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