Faye Fuller is a high-profile social media manager who influencer Rayne Royce tried to get to represent her in August 2023. Faye attended Gwen Tarquin's #OnePersonCan climate change campaign event at The Love Boat, which Rayne assisted in organising. Faye was intrigued when things kicked off as Romeo Nightingale caught Prince McQueen talking to Lizzie Chen-Williams, attempting to prove his innocence after a false sexual assault allegation from Rayne. The incident gave Rayne the idea to stage an argument between herself and Romeo, and an impressed Faye agreed to represent her. However, Peri Lomax publicly posted a secret recording of Rayne and Romeo discussing the argument, causing Rayne's fan base - and nearly Faye - to turn on her.
In an attempt to win Faye back over, Romeo devised a lavish party at a manor. Whilst Faye was intrigued, Romeo's pitch far exceeded his and Rayne's potential budget, leaving the latter panicked. Things went disastrously close to the time as popular influencers flocked to Ibiza for Megan Bolton's party, so Faye suggested that Rayne instead invited her own friends and stir drama amongst them. However, the party went even worse as Rayne's true nature was exposed for the world to see, cumulating by her dead body being found in the pool. Faye was questioned by the police but had an alibi as she was in bed with Prince at the time.