Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 924 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Monday 9th December 2002.


When a young man strolls into Hollyoaks Village looking for one Kerry Shepherd, it starts a chain of events that will change the lives of Mandy and Laura forever. The few times we've heard mentions of Laura's family, it's been in the form of throwaway remarks and insults that suggest that all has not been well in the Burns household for a fair few years. It's also become clear, however, that it's safest not to take anything Laura says at face value. Mystery has always surrounded Laura's background, but it's never been clear how much of it Laura has simply dreamed up for the purpose of her own bizarre fantasies. Now it looks like that's about to change, though, with the arrival of a mysterious stranger called Brendan Shepherd. He shows up in the Village asking if anyone knows the whereabouts of his sister Kerry. Met with blank faces, he gestures to the bus shelter poster of Laura dressed as one of the Gemini twins: that's the girl he's looking for. Anna seemingly wants to reach a decision.


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