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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 58 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Thursday 28th November 1996.


Ruth takes drastic measures when Kurt "seeks justice" on Rob. Rob narrowly makes it out alive when he is confronted by the drug dealers. Angela is horrified to discover that her marriage to Terry was a sham and bigamous.


Jambo wakes in Kurt's bed. Bazz and Lucy prepare for Carol's return. Cindy is cold towards Dawn. Angela walks in on them arguing. Rob pleads for more time, trying to use Dermot's death as an excuse, to no avail. Jambo starts to have second thoughts about splitting with Dawn. Kurt tries to convince him to move on. Carol is excited to get back into band practice. Carol enjoys taunting Kurt. Kurt tells Carol that Ruth wants to interview her over the crash. Jude tries to comfort Dawn, but does a poor job. Jude makes a plan to get Maddie and Tom together, and split up her and Michael. A drug dealer attacks Rob when he reveals that he doesn't have their money, and they kidnap him. Carol tells Ruth about her 'psychic powers'.

Cindy asks Dawn for money, but Dawn refuses. Jude gives her money instead, and accuses Dawn of not being worried about Cindy. A woman, Jane Wilson, arrives with news about Terry. Jane reveals that she was married to a man named Mike, and shows Angela their wedding photo - it's Terry. Kurt vents to Ruth about Rob. Jane says that they are not the only victims - he has scammed many women. She asks the Cunninghams to call her if they hear anything, and apologises to Angela. Ruth explodes when Kurt mentions Rob and Natasha again. The drug dealers drag Rob up a flight of stairs. Angela is upset over discovering the scam. She feels "stupid", and swears Jude and Dawn to secrecy.

The drug dealers continue to drag Rob, ignoring his pleas. Ruth asks Lucy to talk to Kurt. Angela and Dawn are horrified to learn that she pierced her own nose, but Jude likes it. The dealers take Rob to the top of a building. He continues to tell them that he does not have their money. They hang Rob over the edge of the roof. Lucy tells Kurt of her dreams of her killing Rob. She says that more violence is not the answer, however. Lucy and Ruth's words only rile Kurt more, and he grabs his keys before leaving. Dawn thinks Gordon needs to know what has happened. Ruth tries to chase Kurt on her bike, speeding through a red light.

Bazz and Carol joke about Jambo's car. Angela worries about her family if she goes into hospital. Angela vows to have a family Christmas to cheer everyone up. Ruth catches up to Kurt. Dawn snaps at Cindy. Cindy worries about Angela, and gets upset. Dawn comforts her. Cindy admits that she stayed with Mandy because she wanted to get away from everything. Jambo and Bazz search for Kurt, as does Ruth. She notices that Kurt is watching Rob. Rob steps onto the road, and Kurt speeds straight towards him. Ruth tries to cut him off. Kurt tries to swerve to avoid her, but knocks Ruth off her bike. Kurt, Bazz and Jambo are horrified as Ruth lays unconscious.


  • This episode contained no music.


Temporarily Unavailable
