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Hollyoaks Wiki
Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 5721 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Monday 15th November 2021.


Diane receives a diagnosis, but Becky thinks that she knows better. Felix is threatened by Fergus. Pearl gets under Martine's feet when she moves into theirs whilst waiting for her flooded home to be fixed.


Warren insists the police have the wrong man. Tony wants words with Becky. Pearl tells DeMarcus she is homeless. D.S. Cohen doesn't believe Warren. Fergus and Trish comfort Maxine. DeMarcus asks Martine if Pearl can move in with them until her flooded home is fixed. Martine reluctantly lets her. Becky apologises for misreading signals but puts partial blame on Tony. He thinks she's trouble. Verity is mortified when D.S. Cohen informs her that she appeared in the live streams online.

Diane is diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder. Joel and Felix confront Fergus. Fergus threatens Felix's family and vows to end the Deverauxs if they get Warren out of prison. Verity wants to see the live streams of herself. D.S. Cohen gives her the option of sharing her name with some of the other victims, but she chooses not to release her identity with them. She is encouraged to tell someone. Martine struggles to adjust to having Pearl around. Toby is less than pleased when Felix shows his face at the garage. Felix decides he cannot put his family at risk to free Warren so backs out of the operation.

Becky tells Diane that she's just an anxious person and doesn't have OCD. Tony overhears some of their conversation and decides to set the record straight with Becky, so she gets her own back by claiming that Tony tried to kiss her. Verity plans to open up to Celeste but doesn't get the chance to when Celeste's phone rings and she has to go. Becky finds Diane and continues her lie, although attention turns to Henry when he starts crying and has a temperature. Diane wants to take him to the hospital but Becky's against the idea. Warren learns Felix is losing his nerve; he encourages Joel to get Felix back on track so that they can bring Fergus down once and for all.


Song Performer Circumstance
"Lonely" Imagine Dragons Warren insists the police have the wrong man. Tony wants words with Becky. Pearl tells DeMarcus she is homeless.



  • Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this episode was filmed with social distancing rules in place - including actors playing family members/roommates.
