Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 5584 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Thursday 6th May 2021.


Summer goes to great lengths to ensure she has Sienna for herself. Shaq is targeted by Warren and Fergus. Sue thinks Mandy is better suited to Luke. Maxine finds an engagement ring in Fergus's coat pocket.


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Song Performer Circumstance
"Love Has All Been Done Before" Jade Bird Summer returns to see Sienna, wanting clarification over their kiss. Sue wants to know why Luke has tremors in his hand. Mandy offers an explanation on his behalf. Fergus tries sneaking out of Trish's flat but is caught leaving. He jokes he is off to ruin a young man's life and then eyes up an engagement ring when alone.



  • Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this episode was filmed with social distancing rules in place - including actors playing family members/roommates.


Temporarily Unavailable
