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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 4063 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Wednesday 18th February 2015.


As John Paul attempts to overcome his demons, Patrick's intervention could spell big changes for JP's future. There's a new development in the Mercedes murder case, while Grace zeroes in on a new ally in her plot against Freddie.


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Song Performer Circumstance
"Sedated" Hozier John Paul and Sinead visit Finn in prison. Freddie and Lindsey overhear D.S. Thorpe saying that a body matching Mercedes' description has been found.
"Stronger Than Ever" Raleigh Ritchie Joe gets out of a taxi outside a villa in France that Grace sent him to. D.S Thorpe shows Nana, Theresa and Phoebe evidence found on a body believed to be Mercedes'. Joe knocks on the front door and Mercedes answers, revealed to be still alive.




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