Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 2169 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Thursday 15th November 2007.


Warren fails to hide his jealousy when Calvin rescues Louise from burning Evissa and gives her mouth-to-mouth. Distraught from all that's has gone on, Warren pleads with Louise not to ever leave him again, but she lies motionless. Gilly is struggling to deal with his suspicion that Simon is a paedophile. Max and Steph send the audience into hysterics at the Singing Sensations competition and Steph and Summer are both wrong footed when Sarah and Simon are announced winners. Jake has discovered something to calm his anger: Rant Club and Kris's brother, Malachy.


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Ratings and Viewing Figures


Temporarily Unavailable
