Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 2113 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Wednesday 29th August 2007.


After spending the night in a cell, Jacqui is ashamed of her behaviour, but she seems to be on a mission to self-destruct. Tony tells her he loves her and that they have to try to move on from the miscarriage, but Jacqui's not sure that she can. Rhys and Josh return, oblivious to what's gone on at home, and regale Gilly with tales of their conquests. Gilly is uncomfortable with the situation and has to wait for an opportunity to tell them about Hannah. Hannah is sick of Gilly's interference and goes to find Melissa, but she's terrified when Melissa collapses in the village. Darren is in the mood for love and takes Zoe on a romantic picnic.


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