Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Episode 2112 is an episode of Hollyoaks which aired on Tuesday 28th August 2007.


Tormented by thoughts of her lost baby, an unbalanced Jacqui vows never to be sucked into other people's lives. Jacqui is on the path to self-destruction as she nicks a bottle of champagne from Drive 'n' Buy and struts drunkenly through the village. Louise is concerned that Warren is falling back into his old ways. She is hopeful that he's intent on changing when he confesses he got decked by Russ and humbly concedes he deserved it, but Louise wonders how many more husbands will be coming after him. Although she hates herself for it, Jessica cannot stop her descent into the nether world of deception. Myra is frustrated that her daughters are doing little to win back their men.


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