Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki
Hollyoaks Wiki

Dr. Middlesworth is a doctor at Dee Valley University Hospital who had an appointment with Ro Hutchinson and his parents in July 2024. Dr. Middlesworth accidentally called Ro 'Rose' but apologises as she reads the note from reception. Ro tells her that the reason that he changed his name that he's a boy. The doctor asks if he's questioning his gender. She tells him that the way he feels about gender will likely change over time.

During the appointment, the doctor gets distracted from notifications from the computer. Tony asks what the next steps would be. The doctor tells them that she can refer Ro to Gender Services and tells them that puberty blockers are no longer an option until Ro is sixteen. The doctor explains the lack of research and evidence into puberty blockers. The doctor suggests making a referral to CAMHS which she does. She apologises for not having the answers that they were looking for and tells them that the waiting lists for gender services could be up to two years. The Hutchinson's leave the appointment disappointed.
