Hollyoaks Wiki

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Hollyoaks Wiki

Doctor Parker was the doctor who saw Luke Morgan in December 2019. Luke had been having issues with his hand seizing, and was encouraged to see the doctor after Sienna Blake told him that her late MS-suffering father also had issues with his hand seizing in the early stages of his condition. The doctor sent Luke for an MRI scan, and later diagnosed him with frontotemporal dementia.

In February 2020, Luke visited Doctor Parker to see if his mood swings were linked to a sudden progression in FTD. The doctor informed Luke that his FTD had not progressed, but told Luke that tests showed that his condition could be hereditary and therefore his biological children Ollie Morgan and Darren Osborne Jr., as well as Ollie's biological son Thierry, could have inherited the condition.

Luke visited Doctor Parker in April 2021 after forgetting the name of his ex-wife, Scarlett Morgan. The doctor tested Luke's memory and told the pair that although his condition had progressed, Luke's memory was still impressive considering how his diagnosis was over a year and a half ago.

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