D.S. Peel is a detective who has investigated several incidents in Hollyoaks.
D.S. Peel questioned Felix Westwood after he confessed to driving dangerously during a multi-car pile-up on a Dee Valley bypass in January 2024. D.S. Peel confronted Felix over driving 68 miles per hour in a 40 mile per hour speed-limited zone. Felix said that he was driving to his wedding, but admitted that he had found out that his fiancée had been unfaithful, and should not have been driving the car. He objected to the suggestion that he had run over and killed Ella Richardson, and D.S. Peel revealed that the driver of another car killed in the crash had not yet been identified. Felix recalled swerving to avoid a car driving the wrong way, but couldn't remember anything after. After the interview, Felix was charged but released on bail.
In March 2024, D.S. Peel wanted to speak to James Nightingale in Dee Valley University Hospital after Ste Hay was pushed from the roof of a multi-story car park by Warren Fox. D.S. Peel tried to work out who pushed Ste off the room. However James was not able to say due to being threatened by Warren. D.S. Peel asked if James pushed Ste off the roof. Later Ste called D.S. Peel and lied that he jumped off the roof and to admit that he killed Ella Richardson.
In June 2024, D.S. Peel spoke to Frankie Osborne in Dee Valley University Hospital after she wanted to change her statement regarding Nancy Osborne pushing her down the stairs. Frankie told her some minor details. Suzanne Ashworth tells D.S. Peel that Nancy tried to persuade Frankie into changing her statement.
In July 2024, D.S. Peel updates Zoe Anderson on Declan Hawthorne's case. She questions both Lucas Hay and Ro Hutchinson at Hollyoaks High School on Carter Shepherd and his associates. D.S. Peel then informs Beau Ramsey and Kitty Draper that they found some blood in a cottage owned by Declan. The blood contained two types, Declan's and his son Ivan's (now Ivy Shaw).
In August 2024, Joel Dexter gives D.S. Peel a statement that he was with Warren Fox on the night of the murder of Norma Crow, during a two-hour window that he wasn't accounted for. The next day, whilst Joel is discharging himself early from hospital following a heroin overdose, D.S. Peel arrests him for perverting the course of justice. CCTV footage from Price Slice shows Joel alone for at least 20 minutes.
In September 2024, Warren Fox gives D.S. Peel some "terms and conditions" which she has met as agreed. D.S. Peel drops Joel Dexter's charges. D.S. Peel asks Warren why he's finally handing himself over as he signs a confession that he killed Norma Crow. Following D.S. Thompson's interview with Frankie Osborne, D.S. Peel arrests JJ Osborne of sexually assaulting her. During his interview, JJ denies the allegation. Suzanne Ashworth tells D.S. Peel that Frankie repeatedly lies. D.S. Peel reminds Suzanne that she's here to support JJ and not to participate in the interview. D.S. Peel asks JJ is the phrase "school discoes" mean anything to him. JJ asks what could potentially happen if he was to be found guilty. D.S. Peel responds that if he were to be found guilty he would be put on the sex offenders register and this his punishment could be harsher if he lies on record. JJ admits that he had sexual intercourse with his twin sister.
In October 2024, D.S. Peel interviewed Liberty Savage, Dilly Harcourt, Maxine Minniver, Jeremy Blake and Sienna Blake after Ethan Williams was found dead at his wedding to Sienna. D.S. Peel asks them if they think Sienna may have been responsible for Ethan's death. In Sienna's police interview she starts laughing which turns into broken hurt. D.S. Peel takes Sienna back to Christmas 2024 and asks about her reaction to Vicky Grant revealing her termination of her unborn baby of which Ethan was the father. Sienna is let go without a charge. A couple of days later, D.S. Peel arrests Sienna as they have a new eyewitness who claims that Sienna pushed Ethan from the balcony. It is then revealed that Robbie Roscoe paid the Photographer at the wedding to make this statement.
Later that month, D.S. Peel arrives to interview Robbie Roscoe, Donny Clark and Vicky Grant about the break in at The Maalik's which Robbie staged. D.S Peel then approaches Rex Gallagher about fake number plates being used on stolen cars and that a man of his description was found at a motorway service station. Ste Hay gives Rex an alibi.