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Hollyoaks Wiki

D.I. Naomi Cohen is a police officer who has worked on several investigations in the village since October 2019. In February 2022, Cohen was promoted from detective sergeant to detective inspector.

D.S. Cohen investigated the murder of Harry Thompson in October 2019, asking James Nightingale to identify Harry's body before informing Harry's step-mother, Diane Hutchinson. Cohen later arrested gangster Liam Donovan for attacking Joel Dexter, but Mercedes McQueen threatened Joel into not identifying Liam.

In November 2019, D.S. Cohen investigated the shooting of Mercedes. When Mercedes awoke from her coma, she told Cohen that her husband Sylver had shot her, but later retracted her statement. In the same month, she investigated the death of Stuart Sumner, with Stuart's son Sid being arrested and released after revealing that he had pushed his father off a cliff in self-defence. In January 2020, D.S. Cohen arrested Mercedes for the murders of Carl Costello, Russ Owen, Glenn Donovan, Louis Loveday and Harry, but she was released due to a lack of evidence.

Breda McQueen was killed and her body burned in a fire at Stone Mount Farm in January 2020, but with the McQueen family's lack of cooperation, Cohen was unable to investigate. She later informed Courtney Campbell that her husband Jesse had died of alcohol poisoning, and arrested Mitchell Deveraux for the homophobic attack on Azim Desai in February.

Cohen later arrested Warren Fox for the kidnap of Sienna Blake over two years prior, Warren again for assaulting Liam Donovan (who had set him up) in March, Mitchell for the attack on Felix Westwood in April and Jordan Price for drug dealing in October - all of whom were later released.

In February 2021, D.S. Cohen arrested John Paul McQueen on suspicion of common assault. Peri Lomax believed that John Paul was abusing his partner, P.C. George Kiss, as George went to hospital with a nose injury of which George was mysterious regarding the circumstances. In April, George was murdered and Cohen investigated alongside corrupt officer P.C. Smith. Accusing John Paul McQueen and Sally St. Claire of the crime, the pair were charged but released after P.C. Smith was caught tampering with evidence.

In July 2021, Summer Ranger framed Brody Hudson for the supposed murder of Liberty Savage, with D.S. Cohen investigating the 'murder'. Liberty later turned up alive, with Summer going on the run after attempting to kill Sienna. In August, D.S. Cohen arrested Warren for criminal damage and questioned the McQueens after Sylver was poisoned. After Luke Morgan was arrested by P.C. Franks during a robbery at The Hutch, D.S. Cohen questioned him but released him upon learning that Luke was suffering from advanced frontotemporal dementia.

D.S. Cohen visited Sienna in September 2021, asking her to identify a body matching Summer's description. Cohen later informed Sienna and Brody that there had been a sighting of Summer, and moved them to a safehouse. Brody was later killed in a hit-and-run and Sienna gave a witness statement, telling Cohen that Summer was driving the car. Summer was subsequently charged with shooting Sienna, kidnapping Liberty and killing Brody.

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List of appearances[]






No. of episodes: 4
