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Character Profile   List of appearances    

Ben Bradley is the father of Carly, Josh, Ryan and Taylor Bradley and former adoptive father to Nico Blake as well as the former husband of both Sadie Bradley and Sienna Blake.


2015: Arrival[]

Ben is first seen in May 2015 when he investigates the hit and run on Dylan Jenkins but unknown to Ben it involved Jason Roscoe who Ben is mentoring to be a Police Officer. He discovers that Jason withheld information about suffering from an eating disorder from his application and Ben almost dismisses him before talking to Jack about it. Its soon seen that Ben knows Jack and Darren Osborne as Jack was one of the reasons that Ben decided to join the Police force since Jack and Ben's dad where very good friends with one another and Darren and Ben are also very good friends from childhood. Ben is soon attracted to Sienna Blake who was one of Darren's exes however despite warnings from both Jack and Darren.

Ben still does his best to impress Sienna. After defending her daughter Nico Blake against local gangster Trevor Royle a thankful Sienna is pleased and eventually the two of them start dating. after setting in Hollyoaks, Ben is seen helping Jason join the Police force unaware of the fact that Jason was behind Dylan's hit and run and that his father Rick Spencer has spent time in Prison however Ben finds that Rick spent time inside but still enlists Jason to be a Police Officer. Ben seems to be getting close to Sienna and Nico but finds it a little difficult to get alone with Sienna's father Patrick Blake.

Ben tells Patrick that he has nothing to worry about and he will look after Sienna and Nico but at the same time Ben seems aware of Patrick's controlling behaviour towards his family and his wife Maxine Blake. Patrick also clicks on that Ben is hiding something and that maybe Ben is having an affair to which he expresses this to his daughter, Sienna.

2015: Carly's Reveal and Death[]

After just shy of seven weeks of arriving after Patrick's claims to Sienna that Ben is having an affair. Ben seems to act secretive on what his doing when he comes in later then usual and even when he finishes work. Ben lies to Sienna when she confronts him by saying it's just his job enlists him to do overtime quite a lot. when Ben leaves his phone Sienna sees a text from a woman name Carly Bradley. after seeing this Sienna is more certain that Ben is seeing another woman behind her back, however its revealed when Ben meets up with Carly it's in fact his daughter and that she's found herself in trouble with bad people and she has a court date to testify. and it's also revealed that she's attempting to come off drugs.

Unaware of who Carly really is Sienna wants to confront her and tell her to back off and even maybe get some closer on what Ben is up to, Nico thinks this could be a bad Idea however Sienna follows Ben and sees him with Carly at a house Sienna later breaks in and is confronted by Carly and the two end up fighting in the living room, Carly manages to get on top of Sienna pinning her however she stops in her tracks and slumps for and Nico is stood there with a paper weight. shock Sienna checks on Carly but in order to calm Nico down she tells her Carly is knocked out however when Sienna enlists the help of Charles S'Avage its revealed that Carly died. Ben being a police officer is called to the hospital to see if he can identify a woman fitting certain missing persons reports however is shocked and saddened that its Carly's lifeless body behind the cloth also unaware who killed her at this point.

2015-2016: Feud with Trevor Royle[]

Ben is told by Nancy Osborne who overhears a conversation between Trevor Royle and Ashley Davidson but getting the wrong impression, that Trevor is responsible for Carly's death, this leads to Ben furiously confronting Trevor and it leads to a fight between the two but its broke up by Ben's colleague, D.S. Thorpe, but Ben is left furious when Trevor is released from Police custody die to lack of evidence this send Ben on a revenge mission.

Ben targets Trevor's employee, Robbie Roscoe and when Ben arrests Robbie on a drug charge Ben blackmails Robbie into helping inform on Trevor at first Robbie is dismissive but seeing no choice agrees and for months Ben puts Robbie to the task of informing him on Trevor's dodge business and dealings but gets impatient. Ben manages to arrest Trevor a few times but to Ben's anger is always released due to lack of evidence. Trevor is later wrongly arrested and sent to Prison in October 2015 for The Hospital killings. Ben is pleased and does his best to get rid of new evidence which proves Trevor is innocent.

Ben is left furious when Trevor is released in January 2016 but when Sienna talks Ben around, Ben seemingly agrees to let his hatred of Trevor go but its soon revealed to be an act as Ben attacks Trevor as his back is turned in the dead of night leaving Trevor for dead, Ben flees from the scene after the attack and Trevor actually flat lines in Hospital but is managed to be brought back by resuscitation. Sienna confronts Ben and is shocked to find out his responsible for Trevor's attack. Ben again attempts to take Trevor's life again a just two weeks later after he blames Trevor for Nico having a heart attack as Trevor attacked Ben at Hollyoaks High School not long after discovering Ben was responsible. Ben arrives at The Loft and prepares to shoot Trevor dead, Ben fires the gun but Trevor manages to jump and avoid the bullet. Sienna and Grace hear the gun shot and Sienna talks Ben round and he agrees to let his hatred of Trevor go this time for real.

Ben is unaware that Sienna started having an affair with Trevor after attempting to shoot him but eventually finds out in May 2016 in the day of Trevor's wedding to Grace, Ben confronts Trevor and harsh words are spoken which leads to a fight which eventually leads to Ben coming off worse, Trevor is killed by Nico who confesses to Ben, Ben takes the blame and is sent to Marsh Hill Prison where Ben is last seen speaking to Sienna.

In April 2018, Ben's estranged son Josh, who is a Detective confronts Sienna over what Nico did by killing his sister he tells Sienna that Ben since being released from Prison has hit the booze hard and become an alcoholic with a huge depression. Sienna then expresses how sorry she is to Josh.

Kill Count[]


  • None

Attempted Murders[]

  1. Trevor Royle, 22nd January 2016 - Attacked Trevor from behind with a cricket bat and knocked him unconscious, but he was rushed to hospital and revived.
  2. Trevor Royle, 12th February 2016 - Attempted to shoot Trevor but Trevor manages to dodge the bullet.

Background Information[]

  • Ben is introduced as a love interest for Sienna Blake, however, a spokesperson said that "Ben seems not to have been completely truthful about his past and is making a big mistake if he thinks this will slip past Sienna."
  • A modern-day Lancelot, dashing Sergeant Ben Bradley is a hero copper with a heart of gold. even with his flawless reputation for dishing out justice by the book, Ben can be a maverick who isn't afraid to use loopholes in the law to do the right thing. If he meets someone that is a bit broken, this boy in blue will take it upon himself to fix them. being a village bobby is everything to Sergeant Bradley, but don't think for one second that he doesn't know how to live a little. in and out of uniform, Ben's a proper jack the lad with belting banter and a dreamy sparkle in his eye but there's more to this knight in shining armour than just rescuing damsels – he's a man with secrets. Of course he is, it's Hollyoaks after all!-Channel 4 on the character of Ben.
  • In February 2016 Richards quit the show his final scenes aired in May of that year.

See also[]

