Asher Jones is an accountant for Wham! Glam! Thank You Tan!, employed by Ethan Williams. Asher took a liking to Wham! Glam! Thank You Tan! manager Sienna Blake, who even made him banana bread. Sienna lied that Deadly Sheen had seen an increase in profits, which she wanted hidden in an off-shore account. Asher was initially reluctant as he knew Ethan would not like them working together behind his back, but agreed when Sienna offered him a cut.
A few days later, Asher confronted Sienna and Ste over not telling them that the money they produced was actually stolen from Ethan. Asher informed the pair that the money actually belonged to 'The Undertaker', and that they would all be dead if the money wasn't retrieved by the end of the week. Sienna and Ste managed to steal pharmaceuticals from an ambulance, which they gave to Asher to sell to make the money back.
Ste and Sienna were left stunned when Asher revealed himself as The Undertaker's chauffeur, with the quartet and Ethan being taken to Mollihurst & Co Funeral Services. All were left stunned when Asher smugly told them that he had been having a fling with The Undertaker. The Undertaker took the trio to the funeral home's garage and demanded that Ethan decided who would be killed over stealing the money. After telling Asher to put on a record to drown out the sound of the gunshot, she proceeded to shoot Asher dead: he was a police informant who had been attempting to take her down.